1:we need to be prepared and get our food and water out of the way , food needed:the food we need is preffibly canned food a tourch for each person extra batteries for the whole fanily heaps of bottles of water, warm clothes because you never knw how long your going to be out of your house for or how long the earthquake is going to happen ! you also need to keep in touch with your family whilst they might be out of the house when it hits us.blankets so you dont freeze to death preffibly one per person ,and any extra food and water just for safety! things to do when an earthquake strikes:first of all go and get the rest of your family that is in there and plant them under a table and the rest that cant fit would have to stand tall and strong and hold on to both sides of a door way , "i would prefeer the older peaople stand underneath the doorway so that all the little kids would have to do is just sit there .
thank you very very much and i hope you take this seriously!! :?
by; shivon